new york – sights and soundsĀ 

“Boy, do I hate it,” I said. “But it isn’t just that. It’s everything. I hate living in New York and all. Taxicabs, and Madison avenue buses, with the drivers and all always yelling at you to get out at the rear door, and being introduced to phony guys that call the Lunts angels, and going up and down in elevators when you just want to go outside, and guys fitting your pants all the time at Brooks, and people always-”

“Don’t shout, please,” old Sally said. Which was very funny, because I wasn’t even shouting.” – The Catcher in the Rye – J. D. Salinger

The exploration began today. I bought breakfast at one of the cafes in this super hipster/organic/trendville apartment block and was served by a guy who despite supposedly living off organic vegetable juice and good vibes didn’t seem very happy or upbeat about his life. Continue reading “new york – sights and soundsĀ “