Alt-J ‘3WW’ Review

Originally published in The Hullfire.

Alt-J return with something new – and definitely ‘something good’ –ahead of the release of their third album. Their second record, This Is All Yours, followed a similar style to their award-winning and undoubtedly unique debut, An Awesome Wave. If this new track is anything to go by, Relaxer promises to push the boundaries yet again and be something quite special. Continue reading “Alt-J ‘3WW’ Review”

Single Review: The Hubbards // Cold Cut

Originally published on The Indiependent.

Hull band The Hubbards have become one of the biggest bands in the area over the last couple of years and have an impressive EP already out, which has got them airplay on Radio 1 and BBC 6 music. Latest single ‘Cold Cut’ finely tunes their underrated abilities into their best song yet.

The layers of accomplished guitar work that has been present in all their music so far is also present here with a reserved, jazzy intro leading into the energetic verse and chorus. ‘Cold Cut’ is full of intricacies that could go unnoticed, as the song is so catchy and danceable (as is shown in the humorous music video).

Continue reading “Single Review: The Hubbards // Cold Cut”

Single Review: Seems Like a Good Time // Racing Glaciers

Originally posted on The Indiependent.

Racing Glaciers’ latest single is a grandiose rock song with heavy undertones; a change to some of their previous output, showing a band that is versatile and exciting. The North-west five-piece has steadily built up a roster of musically impressive and anthemic indie-rock tracks over the last couple of years which definitely places them on the bands to watch list. Earlier songs are more hushed, emotional and slower paced, but none the less fantastic tunes. Continue reading “Single Review: Seems Like a Good Time // Racing Glaciers”

Track Review: Stepping Stone // HANKKS

Originally posted on The Indiependent.


Birmingham band HANKKS channel the best indie rock and roll that has come before them into new single, ‘Stepping Stone’, to create a pleasingly refreshing tune, with a frontman who even looks a little bit like early Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner.

In what are early days for this new band they have brought out a single which electrifies from the first few bars of drumming. Even after multiple plays Continue reading “Track Review: Stepping Stone // HANKKS”

Single Review: I Am // AWOLNATION

Originally posted on The Indiependent.


‘I Am’ is the latest boundary pushing single to come from the musician and multi-instrumentalist Aaron Bruno, following the release of AWOLNATION’s second album, Run. Most famous for the hit single ‘Sail’, ‘I Am’ has elements that are very similar to that song, with electronic backing and powerful, varied vocals taking a prominent place. However, in other ways it is very different and showcases the creative and experimental nature of AWOLNATION’s music. Continue reading “Single Review: I Am // AWOLNATION”