Your Next Stop Is Neverwhere – Theatre Review

Originally published on

Catch the last night of the play on Thursday 8th in Asylum at 7:30pm. Tickets are £5 on the door and £4 in advance.

Hull University Drama Society’s production of Neverwhere takes place on the stage in Asylum but sitting in the audience you will be transported to the weird subterranean world of London Below. The play which is the second production to be put on by the Drama society this semester, along with Dracula, is a weird and wonderful adventure based on a TV show by Neil Gaiman and Lenny Henry. It was adapted for stage by Robert Kauzlaric.

In it the hapless everyman, Richard Mayhew, is transported to another world below the streets of London after performing an act of kindness for a wayward stranger. Door, the mysterious teleporting stranger, is his first glimpse of London Below, ‘a city of monsters and saints, murderers and angels, knights in armour and pale girls in black velvet…a city of those who have fallen through the cracks.’ Continue reading “Your Next Stop Is Neverwhere – Theatre Review”

Editor Column // Oct 2016: Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

Originally published in The Hullfire.

Hi, I’m Tim, the editor of this humble paper. Whether you are fresher than the duvet that your mum kindly laid out for you in your new room or your time at Uni of Hull is speeding scarily towards its end, a sincere welcome to the first issue of The Hullfire for this academic year. I hope that in your summer holidays you had a chance to relax, did something exciting, tried something new, managed to bulk up the CV or just earned some cash for the coming year. (Don’t waste it!!)

                To the Freshers: Welcome to Hull! Your A-Levels (or other qualifications) are over and whether you’re here through Clearing or if like me, Hull was your first choice (believe me we do exist!), you’re about to start one of the most exciting, fun and potentially transformative experiences of your life. I don’t know what you’ve heard about Hull but prepare to have your perceptions altered. There are a number of articles in this issue which cover just some of things that go on in Hull. Aaron our music editor gives the lowdown on the variety of music events going on over the next few weeks. The one thing I’ve found as I’ve lived here is the longer you stay the more you discover about this unique and quirky little city sitting on the Humber estuary.

                To returners: Welcome back! If you’re a second year, you might be moving into a house with some mates and discovering a whole other side of student living after the Halls experience. Hopefully you’re looking forward to your course. Or you might just be itching for your first [Welly] night-out of the year (Freshers, prepare to be amazed.) If you’re a third year like me it will be dawning on you quite how rapidly this has all come around and that degree thing? Yeah, that’s going to need a look in. Maybe you’ll stick around for a Masters but otherwise the Uni experience terminates in little over 8 months and you’re not sure you want it to stop. However there is a whole ‘year’ of Uni left and plenty to get involved with. Memories are waiting to be made; go and make them.

                As you may be aware there are a plethora of activities, sports and societies you can get involved in during your time in Hull. This paper is just one of the many ways you can add to your CV, meet people and just have fun. Throughout the year there will be an issue a month (hopefully!) with content produced by the student body. We will keep you up to date with all news relevant to the students of Hull and it will be a place where people can share opinions, write reviews of stuff they are interested in and shed light on a topic of interest. We always need writers and team members so don’t be afraid to get involved! Find us at Societies and Volunteering Fair for more info.

                  Whoever you are I certainly hope this year is one of the best of your life so far. I look forward to helming this paper throughout the year and I’m excited (and slightly scared) about what articles you’ll manage to conjure up and we end up publishing. I’ve mentioned ‘getting involved’ a few times in this article and if I had to give one piece of advice about Uni it would be just that. In the words of Shia LeBeouf or Nike, ‘Just do it’!

Setting a Pretty Good Example (Live Review)

Originally published in the December 2014 issue of The Hullfire.

Nearing the end of his mammoth 28 date tour, Example played the smallest venue of the tour to a packed out, lively and sweaty Asylum crowd. Used to playing more established venues like O2 Academies, he was quick to comment on the small size of the gig’s setting, but stressed that this made no difference to the atmosphere. It was perhaps a hark back to his earlier days in music, except in this case everyone knew the words and were more than ready to dance and mosh to Example’s consistently impressive stage presence. Continue reading “Setting a Pretty Good Example (Live Review)”

Example hits up Asylum

Originally published in the November 2014 issue of The Hullfire.

This month, Example is bringing his monstrous UK tour to Hull! His unique blend of electronic infused pop and hip-hop will be showcased in full in his highly rated live show. The gig, which was previously billed to take place at Hull City Hall, is now coming to our very doorstep in the University’s own venue, Asylum. The tour, coming off the back of the release of his latest album ‘Live Life Living’, is promised to include singles from this most recent release as well as all the hits and fan favourites from his back catalogue, including Kickstarts and Changed the Way You Kissed Me. Continue reading “Example hits up Asylum”