british man in big city

After parting ways with the Spooner family in Boston, I found the hostel I would be staying at for the night. The perhaps irrational apprehensions you can get about staying in a hostel were largely put to rest by HI Boston. At least, I’m sure they’re not all like this but this one certainly was very pleasant. The staff were friendly and everything seemed to have been thought of when it came to security and comfort. It was creatively designed and had a modern feel to it and breakfast was provided which is always a good thing. Also, sleeping in the top bunk will always be fun. Yes, trying to get to sleep in a room full of other people was always going to be harder than normal but everyone else was in the same boat and I soon drifted off.

I used that first evening before going to bed to wander around some of Boston, taking in the Boston Common park, which is overlooked by the grand State House. Continue reading “british man in big city”