Album Review: Live for the Moment // The Sherlocks

Originally published on The Indiependent.

I must admit I did not go into Sheffield band, The Sherlocks, debut album Live For The Moment, with a particularly open-mind. Throughout their relative rise in popularity over the last two years I have happened across their singles in sponsored Facebook posts that appear to have been met with hype and derision in equal measure. It is certainly true that the young band have managed to build quite an impressive indie following through social media campaigns, no doubt inspired by the grassroots, youthful energy of fellow Sheffield band, Arctic Monkeys. That band has probably inspired most guitar rock bands over the last decade in some way but their legacy here mostly spans from their early albums. Another band that The Sherlocks can all too easily be compared to are Manchester’s Courteeners. Indeed, my initial stance on the band was essentially; they’re not going to make my ears bleed but they sound exactly like any number of other bands that I could listen to instead. Continue reading “Album Review: Live for the Moment // The Sherlocks”

National Treasure Sir Bruce Forsyth Dies

Originally published in The Indiependent.

Sir Bruce Forsyth, the veteran entertainer and presenter, has died age 89. He had been suffering from illness for some time and had been in and out of hospital over the last year – something he alluded to in classic good humour by reportedly saying ‘I’ve been very, very busy… being ill!’ Many people, young and old, will be saddened by his passing as this national treasure has entertained viewers for decades in classic shows like ‘The Generation Game’, ‘Play Your Cards Right’ and since 2004 ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.

He died peacefully at his home surrounded by his wife of 34 years, Wilnelia Merced, and his children after contracting bronchial pneumonia. Many tributes have been shared on social media from high profile names, including those that worked with him over the years. Tess Daly said she was “heartbroken” and would “never forget his generosity, his brilliant sense of humour and his drive to entertain the audiences he so loved”. Continue reading “National Treasure Sir Bruce Forsyth Dies”

Album Review: Ellipsis // Biffy Clyro

Originally published on The Indiependent.

Biffy Clyro have reached the distinguished milestone of their seventh album and with it is the beginning of a new cycle in the band’s life. Biffy Clyro by their own admission are a band who embrace the three album cycle, in which there is a simple stylistic or thematic similarity grouping the trilogy together. The band has suggested that Ellipsis is the beginning of a ‘re-birth’, a back to basics embrace of chaos.

Frontman Simon Neil has called it ‘fight rock, pint-in-the-face rock’. This claim is certainly true of some songs and the album has a feeling of different pieces being thrown together, albeit in a good way. However the glimmer of pop on many of the tracks and the undeniable production values present suggest otherwise. At times it is unclear what direction Biffy are really trying to take with this album. Continue reading “Album Review: Ellipsis // Biffy Clyro”

TV News: HBO’s Westworld trailer released (23/6/16)

Originally published on The Indiependent.

HBO have released a teaser trailer for their upcoming Science Fiction/thriller TV series Westworld, based on the 1973 film of the same name. The trailer splices a visceral Western backdrop and gun slinging action with mysterious science fiction and androids. It will be produced by J.J. Abrams and Jonathon Nolan (Christopher’s brother) and the series will be written by Nolan and his wife Lisa Joy. Continue reading “TV News: HBO’s Westworld trailer released (23/6/16)”

TV News: BBC One’s Dickensian Cancelled (21/4/16)

Originally posted on The Indiependent.

If you were a fan of the recent BBC One drama Dickensian and you wanted ‘some more’, then like Oliver Twist himself you will be disappointed. The big budget drama, which was inspired by Charles Dickens’s novels, has been axed after just one series. Running for 20 episodes after a successful launch on Boxing Day, it initially attracted audiences of 5 million. Continue reading “TV News: BBC One’s Dickensian Cancelled (21/4/16)”

Single Review: The Hubbards // Cold Cut

Originally published on The Indiependent.

Hull band The Hubbards have become one of the biggest bands in the area over the last couple of years and have an impressive EP already out, which has got them airplay on Radio 1 and BBC 6 music. Latest single ‘Cold Cut’ finely tunes their underrated abilities into their best song yet.

The layers of accomplished guitar work that has been present in all their music so far is also present here with a reserved, jazzy intro leading into the energetic verse and chorus. ‘Cold Cut’ is full of intricacies that could go unnoticed, as the song is so catchy and danceable (as is shown in the humorous music video).

Continue reading “Single Review: The Hubbards // Cold Cut”

50 Books (6): The Circle // Dave Eggers

Originally published on The Indiependent

Title: The Circle

Author: Dave Eggers

Outline: Mae Holland gets a lucky break and begins working at powerful tech company, the Circle. It is essentially Apple, Google and Facebook in one giant multinational organisation; in this world they have all been subsumed by the Circle. It is initially presented as the dream job and she settles into life on the elaborate and technologically advanced campus. However, as she becomes more involved, devoting more aspects of her life to her job and making a name for herself, a more sinister side to the Circle begins to arise. Its ethos is increasingly centred on the idea that privacy is a dangerous thing and Mae herself becomes one of their main disciples.

Continue reading “50 Books (6): The Circle // Dave Eggers”

TV Review: The Man in the High Castle // Episodes 3-10

Originally posted on The Indiependent.

First part of review is here.

Having watched all of The Man in the High Castle I can review the remainder. One thing Amazon’s most successful original series does very well is keep the audience guessing as to what the characters true intentions are and whether there is really something more at stake. At the end there are still major questions about seemingly central parts of the program, such as the importance of the enigmatic newsreels, something which was a little frustrating at first. However there will be another series so this stalling in plot can just about be forgiven, for now. Warning: There are spoilers ahead. Continue reading “TV Review: The Man in the High Castle // Episodes 3-10”

TV Review: The Man in the High Castle // Episodes 1-2

Originally posted on The Indiependent.

The Man in The High Castle is Amazon studios latest title airing exclusively on their video streaming service Amazon Prime. Set in an alternate 1960’s America it presents a world where the Axis forces won World War Two and follows the main protagonists Juliana, Frank and Joe’s involvement in a mysterious plot to change everything. Much like the similar service Netflix, Amazon have released a number of TV series for paying subscribers but on the whole these titles have not garnered nearly the same amount of attention as series such as Orange is the New Black, House of Cards and Marvel’s Daredevil. This might be the one to change all that. Continue reading “TV Review: The Man in the High Castle // Episodes 1-2”

Live Review: Bloc Party // Albert Hall, Manchester 03.12.15

Originally posted on The Indiependent.

Bloc Party walk onto the stage – a reasonably modest size for a band that has headlined festival stages – at Manchester’s Albert Hall and the crowd erupts with jubilation. This is the sight of a band about to play their first UK gig with the new line-up. Their love for this band is clearly unwavering even after splitting in two. Former drummer Matt Tong and bassist Gordon Moakes are not present but in their place is drummer Louise Bartle and Bassist Justin Harris. To say they are worthy Continue reading “Live Review: Bloc Party // Albert Hall, Manchester 03.12.15”