Thoughts: Sherlock New Year’s Day Special 01/01/16

Sherlock is first and foremost a detective drama. This is obviously simplifying both the original stories and the beloved TV drama; ignoring the fact that the focus is much more on the character of Sherlock Holmes himself. However his defining character trait is that of having the almost supernatural ability to solve crimes of all shapes and sizes. At the heart of each episode what I want to see is a case taken on and ultimately solved. As far as I can tell we got two of these in this episode however, Continue reading “Thoughts: Sherlock New Year’s Day Special 01/01/16”

Argument for Theism

Originally published in the March/April issue of The Hullfire.

I am a Christian and there’s no denying that this is because I was brought up as one. My parents undoubtedly hold a big part in leading me to this way of thinking but for this I’m very thankful and I’ve had a loving, positive upbringing in that environment. In my opinion, there isn’t enough evidence to prove God doesn’t exist and enough that it is a justifiable possibility. In some ways, I’ve since made the decision to believe, because if God’s promise is real, it’s more than worth the risk that I could be wrong. Continue reading “Argument for Theism”